Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Adding Editable TextFields in PDF

To add a PDF text field:

  1. Open the PDF in Nitro PDF Professional.
  2. On the Forms ribbon tab, in the Fields group, click Text Field.
  3. On the page, drag the pointer where you want the field to appear.
  4. Double-click on the field and do one of the following (depending on your preferences):
    • In the Properties context tab, name the field and set its appearance settings.
    • In the Properties dialog, name the field and set its appearance settings.
  5. Do either of the following:
    • If you're using the Properties context tab, in the More group, click Properties and then Options.
    • If you're using the Properties dialog, click the Options tab.
  6. Select Options. Click Alignment and select from drop down menu items text alignment for left, center, or right.
  7. Add text in the Default Text box if you want text to appear as a default for the field. Something like a zip code or country might be used where most of your respondents are likely to come from the area you add for the default text.
  8. Check Multiple Line if you want the text to appear on multiple lines and check Scroll long text to have the text scroll in a box.
  9. Click Limit of characters and enter the number of characters you want to limit a response to. Something like a zip code would work here.
  10. Check Password to password secure a field.
  11. Check Comb of Characters to create a comb field. (Note: You must turn off all other checkboxes to use this feature.) Comb fields are designed for characters to be added in individual boxes. The number of boxes are defined in the text box that appears after you check the Comb of Characters box.
  12. Format. If you want a format other than text, such as a date or custom format, then choose an option from the Select format category drop down menu.
  13. Validation. If you want the field data to be validated, you need to know JavaScript. Check Run custom validation script and type the JavaScript code to validate the field data.
  14. Calculate. If the field is to be calculated, check an option for calculating data.

To edit a text box form field:

  1. Open the PDF in Nitro PDF Professional.
  2. On the Form ribbon tab, in the Fields group, do either of the following:
    • Click the field type that corresponds to the field you want to edit.
    • Click Edit All Fields.
  3. Double-click the field to begin editing its attributes.

1 comment:

  1. Find blank and fillable 4868 forms at PDFfiller.
    You can fill the text fields, add a variety of checkmarks, digitally sign the form and even add pictures. After your pdf form is completed, it can be printed, emailed, faxed or saved on your computer. You can even send fillable pdf forms to your customers, employees, vendors and partners.
